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MyLungCancerTeam Members Respond: How Does Lung Cancer Affect Quality of Life?

Written by Kevin Benny
Posted on September 14, 2022

  • MyLungCancerTeam surveyed members to understand how lung cancer affects their quality of life.
  • Seventy-three percent of MyLungCancerTeam members reported that having lung cancer makes them feel anxious.
  • Fifty-seven percent of MyLungCancerTeam members reported the biggest obstacle they face in managing their lung cancer is depression and anxiety.

Lung cancer can have a wide-ranging impact on a person’s quality of life. MyLungCancerTeam surveyed members to better understand how they experience the holistic impact of lung cancer on their lives, including work, challenges with relationships, and mental health.

MyLungCancerTeam conducted the survey in December 2021 with 117 members in the United States who are living with lung cancer.

The survey examined:

  • The physical, social, and emotional effects of lung cancer
  • Members’ ability to manage the impact of lung cancer and treatment
  • The obstacles to managing lung cancer

MyLungCancerTeam shares these survey results with all the members of the community, so members can learn from each other’s experiences. To ensure member voices are heard by the doctors and pharmaceutical companies that treat lung cancer, MyLungCancerTeam also recently shared the findings of this survey at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer’s World Conference on Lung Cancer.

73 Percent of Members Report Lung Cancer Makes Them Feel Anxious

When asked how lung cancer impacts quality of life, 73 percent of survey respondents reported it makes them feel anxious, and 63 percent said it makes them feel depressed. Learn more about how lung cancer can affect your mental health.

Respondents also shared that lung cancer makes it hard to exercise (72 percent), do everyday chores (64 percent), and have an active social life (56 percent). One member said their biggest struggle was, “The adjustment, the fact that we can’t do things we used to.”

Constant Fatigue Is the Top Obstacle

Among survey respondents, 58 percent reported that constant fatigue was their top obstacle in managing lung cancer, followed closely by depression or
anxiety (57 percent). One member said depression and anxiety were sometimes “harder to fight than the cancer itself.” Forty-three percent of respondents also reported that pain or feeling unwell were big obstacles.

While not as common, some members face financial difficulties affording their treatments (8 percent), and some can’t access a pulmonary oncology specialist nearby (8 percent). Eleven percent reported lacking a caring specialist who listens to them.

Steps To Take Control of Life With Lung Cancer

Despite the many obstacles of life with lung cancer, members also shared the steps they take to help manage their treatment and condition. The top action was learning about the different lung cancer treatment options available (70 percent), followed by taking steps to make life with cancer more tolerable (68 percent), and finding information to help manage lung cancer symptoms (64 percent).

Forming social bonds is also an important way some members manage their health. Fifty-eight percent said they connect with and learn from others with lung cancer, and 50 percent said they get emotional support from resources other than friends and family.

Your treatment center may offer a support group, or you may find connections through an organization like the American Lung Association or LUNGevity. You can also connect with others online at MyLungCancerTeam.

Connect With Others

MyLungCancerTeam is the online social support network for those with lung cancer, their caregivers, and their loved ones. Here, you can connect with other people who understand life with lung cancer. Members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand.

How much does lung cancer affect your emotions or daily life? What do you recommend to others who might be struggling with the impact of lung cancer? Share your insights in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on MyLungCancerTeam.

Posted on September 14, 2022

A MyLungCancerTeam Member

Trish, That's how the nodules were spotted in my lungs. It took 2 1/2 years, but they grew to be malignant. My primary care doctor put me through a barrage of tests when I was just short of 60 y/o. A… read more

September 19, 2023
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Kevin Benny has more than a decade of professional experience spanning education and market research. Learn more about him here.

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