What Causes Back Pain in Lung Cancer? What It Feels Like and More | MyLungCancerTeam

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What Causes Back Pain in Lung Cancer? What It Feels Like and More

Medically reviewed by Richard LoCicero, M.D.
Written by Victoria Menard
Updated on April 15, 2024

There are many common causes of back pain, including minor injuries or strains, arthritis, or bulging discs. Less commonly, back pain can be a symptom of lung cancer. About 25 percent of those with lung cancer experience back pain.

Lung cancer and its treatments can affect the body in many ways. Other common symptoms of lung cancer include hoarseness, coughing up blood, unexplained weight loss, and shortness of breath. If you’re experiencing back pain that persists for longer than a few days, it’s important to let your cancer care team know.

What Causes Back Pain in Lung Cancer?

As lung cancer progresses, lung tumors can grow larger and the cancer may eventually metastasize (lung cancer spreads to other parts of the body). Either of these circumstances can lead to back pain.

Lung Tumors

As a lung tumor grows larger, it begins to compete for space with the surrounding bones, tissues, and nerves. Pain may develop depending on the tumor’s location and what it’s pushing against. Tumors that put pressure on the chest wall and the membrane lining the lungs are known to cause back pain or chest pain.

Pancoast Tumor

Pancoast tumors are a rare form of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that make up 3 percent to 5 percent of lung cancers. Pancoast tumors originate in the topmost part of the lungs. They can grow upward from the top of the lung and interfere with the nerves around the shoulders and shoulder blades, causing sharp shoulder pain.

Depending on the Pancoast tumor location, it may be considered as a possible cause of lung cancer upper back pain.

Bone Metastasis

In people with advanced lung cancer, cancer cells have spread from the lung into other parts of the body. Cancer cells may begin to invade the surrounding bones. This is known as bone metastasis. As cancer cells alter the bone’s structure, they form small holes that weaken the bones and can lead to severe bone pain.

Metastasis to the spine can also result in spinal cord compression. When that happens, symptoms such as back pain, weakness, numbness, and even paralysis can occur.

Read more about bone metastasis with lung cancer.

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Back pain can also be a side effect of some types of chemotherapy or other cancer treatments. The pain may develop during the treatment period or weeks later.

What Does Back Pain in Lung Cancer Feel Like?

There are many types of lung cancer, and it can develop in different parts of the lung and affect people in different ways. Some people with metastatic lung cancer have described upper or lower back pain that radiates outward, sometimes accompanied by feelings of numbness or weakness in the legs.

Others have noted that they experience a tingling sensation racing down their legs alongside back pain, which might point to nerve involvement.

Members Describe Back Pain From Lung Cancer

Many MyLungCancerTeam members report having back pain as a symptom.

Some report noticing back pain while going through their lung cancer treatment. “I have dull aches along the sides of my rib, abdominal discomfort, and mid-back pain,” one member described.

Another said, “I have a burning pain near my spine in the middle of my back.”

A third member shared that their back pain was most severe months after finishing chemotherapy: “Last night when I went to bed, I had such severe back pain I had to sit up in order to tolerate the pain and try to sleep.”

Your health care provider can help identify what’s causing your back pain and recommend appropriate treatment. It’s best to share these symptoms with your doctor right away.

Managing Back Pain With Lung Cancer

Managing back pain related to lung cancer often starts with treating the lung cancer itself. If one treatment option doesn’t relieve your pain, your oncologist or health care team may recommend another, such as over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers to help manage your discomfort.

Make sure to contact your health care team if you start experiencing back pain. Make sure to reach out if this pain is causing sleep disruptions or hindering your everyday life.

Treating Lung Cancer

Treating the underlying cancer may help manage symptoms like back pain. In the case of an intruding lung tumor, for example, the pressure the tumor was applying on the surrounding nerves will typically go away as the tumor shrinks.

Medication for Pain Relief

Over-the-counter pain relievers, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen, may help soothe mild or moderate back pain caused by lung cancer. That said, always ask your doctor if these painkillers are safe in your particular situation.

For more severe back pain, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications, including morphine or other opioids. Talk with your health care team to understand what pain relief medications you can safely take with your cancer treatment.

Hot and Cold Treatments

Ice therapy is mainly used to treat swelling and inflammation of acute pain, while heat therapy reduces tension and increases flexibility. If your back pain strikes without warning, try applying ice for 15 minutes and then leaving the area bare for another 15 minutes. If the pain continues after 48 to 72 hours, try applying heat instead.

Palliative Care

If your back pain persists after you’ve taken these steps, consider asking your oncologist for a referral to a specialist in palliative care. These doctors are focused on managing pain and other cancer symptoms at every stage of cancer. They can help determine the specific source of the pain and may recommend approaches such as:

  • Physical therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Nerve block procedure
  • Surgery

Find Your Team

On MyLungCancerTeam, the social network for people with lung cancer and their loved ones, more than 12,000 people from around the world come together to ask questions, offer support and advice, and connect with others who understand life with lung cancer.

Have you experienced back pain since receiving your lung cancer diagnosis? How have you learned to manage it? Share your story and tips in the comments below or by posting on MyLungCancerTeam.

    Updated on April 15, 2024
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    Richard LoCicero, M.D. has a private practice specializing in hematology and medical oncology at the Longstreet Clinic Cancer Center, in Gainesville, Georgia. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Learn more about him here.
    Victoria Menard is a writer at MyHealthTeam. Learn more about her here.

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